Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ilustrasi Fashion Busana Wanita
Publish: 23 Desember 2011 | Author & Copyright: Agus bastaman | Status: FREE tutorial

Pada kesempatan Tutorial adobe illustrator kali ini, saya akan membuat gambar busana wanita dengan seni siluet, dengan menggunakan Adobe Illustrator
Siluet merupakan salah satu jenis dari kartun, siluet tidak menampilkan wajah secara utuh, tetapi hanya sebagian saja
tutorial adobe illustrator vector
Model busana di atas memiliki bentuk yang sederhana, dengan menggunakan kurva dan garis tanpa menggunakan modifikasi yang rumit, kekuatan ada pada garis yang dibentuk dengan menggunakan brushes modifikasi sendiri dan keserasian warna

Berikut langkah-langkah membuatnya :

Membuat Pola Dasar
Buat kurva bebas tanpa modofikasi dengan menggunakan pencil tool
1. Klik Pencil tool
tutorial adobe illustrator vector

2. lalu buatlah obyek seperti di bawah ini, caranya dengan membuat pola seperti menggambar menggunakan pensil.
tutorial adobe illustrator vector

Pertama menggambar pola badan, lalu dilanjutkan dengan menggambar pola lengan kanan, terakhir buat untuk pola lengan kiri. Anda bisa mengedit sapuan anda dengan cara mengulang pada bagian yang akan diedit
tutorial adobe illustrator vector
Untuk menutup kurva tekan tombol Alt
Beri warna dengan pink muda
tutorial adobe illustrator vector

Selanjutnya membuat pola dasar rok masih dengan menggunakan pencil tool. (untuk menghasilkan lekukan gambar yang halus memang perlu latihan men....sabar aja). Lalu beri warna ungu

tutorial adobe illustrator vector

Anda bisa merubah kehalusan lekukan dengan cara klik pencil tool 2 kali, atur fidelity dan smoothness
tutorial adobe illustrator vector

Membuat Garis Busana
Garis busana dibuat untuk mempertegas pada kerutan dan sebagai garis pembatas. Caranya buat garis menggunakan Pen tool, ubah jenis garis dengan menggunakan panel Brushes. Namun sebelumnya kita harus memodifikasi bentuk garis yang akan digunakan.
Buat bentuk seperti di bawah ini dengan menggunakan Pen Tool...
tutorial adobe illustrator vector

Lalu drag / geret objek tadi ke dalam panel brushes...
tutorial adobe illustrator vector

Muncul dialog box ...Select a brushes type :…… pilih New Art Brushes…

Terapkan jenis brushes yang sudah kita buat tadi pada garis busana, atur ketebalan garis pada panel stroke. Untuk membuat garis yang melengkung klik pen tool lalu geser pointer

tutorial adobe illustrator vector

Busana wanita telah selesai dibuat

Untuk melatih menggunakan pencil tool, ulangi langkah pembuatan pola dasar untuk kepala, rambut, tangan dan kaki, lalu beri garis pembatas dengan brushes. Hasilnya akan tampak seperti di bawah ini…

desain baju
elegen , bauty , and smart looking fashion of ilmugrafis
Selamat belajar Tutorial  Agus 
Terima kasih, Semoga bermanfaat

Efek Teks 3 D illustrator
Publish: 26 Mei 2011 | Author & Copyright: Johan | Status: FREE tutorial

Bagaimana cara membuat efek 3 Dimensi pada adobe illustrator? silahkan anda pelajari tutorial ini...

1. Gunakan Type tool, Tulis dalam lembar kerja "3D Tutorial ".
Kemudian ke Menu Utama -- Effect >Warp > Arc
Gunakan pengaturan ini:
tutorial adobe illustrator vector

2. Kemudian Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel
Gunakan pengaturan ini:
tutorial adobe illustrator vector
Set Extrude Deph: 20 pt, dan jangan lupa centang Preview

3. Kemudian Object > Expand Appearance untuk membuang semua effek
setelah itu ungroup sampai 5 X (Object > Ungroup atau tekan Ctrl+Shift+G)

4. Tinggal Warnai bagian paling tepi dengan color Swatches
tutorial adobe illustrator vector

5. Tambahkan assessories supaya kelihatan lebih menarik seperti api atau kupu - kupu
tutorial adobe illustrator vector

tutorial adobe illustrator vector
Kupu - kupu

tutorial adobe illustrator vector
Api unggun

Tambahkan nyala api supaya lebih keren...

Tutorial Copyright 2008 by Johan (
Selamat belajar Tutorial Illustrator di ilmuGrafis
Terima kasih, Semoga bermanfaat

Project Vector Image
Publish: 6 Juli 2010 | Author & Copyright: Damar Sasongko Ae | Status: FREE tutorial

Seteleh mengenal tool-tool dalam adobe illustrator, selanjutnya kita masuk ke project pembuatan vector image. Langkah2nya adalah sbb:

1. Buka foto / file image dengan adobe illustrator :
image ilmugrafis

2. Duplicate layer foto menjadi 2
image ilmugrafis

3. Buat trace foto (layer 1 copy) dengan live trace
Caranya: pada menu utama klik: Object >> Live Trace >> Tracing Options...
maka akan muncul dialog box seperti gambar dibawah ini:
image ilmugrafis
Seting properties seperti tampak pada gambar diatas. Kemudian tekan button Trace

4. Maka akan diperoleh gambar sebagai berikut:
image ilmugrafis
Kemudian set transparency layer 1 copy seperti pada gambar di bawah ini:
Cara mengesetnya adalah dengan merubah persentase dari Opacity 100% ke sesuai kebutuhan
image ilmugrafis
Catatan: opacity tergantung pada source image, jika source image terlalu terang maka opacity dikurangi hingga menghasilkan pencahayaan yang proporsional.

5. Kemudian create new layer, setelah itu kunci 2 layer terbawah, maka akan didapatkan susunan layer seperti pada gambar dibawah ini:
image ilmugrafis
Setelah itu proses selanjutnya adalah menggambar ulang image dengan menggunakan pen tool. Gambar image menurut warna pada layer ke 3, semisal anggota badan jadikan 1 warna seperti tampak pada gambar dibawah ini:
image ilmugrafis
Pen Tool, Opacity 59, Trace Tangan dan Wajah

Gambar seluruh foto/image dengan menggunakan pen tool menurut dengan perbedan warna pada foto/image. semisal pada objek mata, rambut, alis, dsb, gambar dengan path tersendiri seperti tampak pada gambar di bawah ini:
image ilmugrafis

6. Setelah seluruh objek telah tergambar ulang dengan pen tool, kemudian warnai dengan palete color, maka akan didapatkan gambar seperti di bawah ini:
image ilmugrafis

Simple organic shapes the Illustrator way

2008 at 09.19 am posted by Veerle Pieters
In my post from a few weeks ago, I demonstrated how to create simple organic shapes in Photoshop. In the comments a reader asked me “how to accomplish the transparency effect using Illustrator”. I thought why not showing the same creation in Illustrator while we’re at it. So here we go…

Create the shape

Draw a circle
We start by creating a circle. Select the Ellipse Shape tool (L). Hold down Shift key while dragging. Turn on Smart Guides, go to View > Smart Guides or hit command/control + u. Make sure your Rulers are turned on. Go to View > Show Rulers or hit command/control + r. Drag a horizontal guide from the top Ruler to the middle of the circle. Select the Rotation tool and click in the center of the circle to set the rotation point. Rotate the circle 45°. While dragging hold down Shift key so the rotation snaps to 45°. With Smart Guides turned on you should also be able to see when you've turned the circle 45°. Select the Direct Selection tool (white arrow) and select the path segment on the right of the circle. Hit the delete key.
Now select the Pen Tool and click in the top right point of the circle where you have just deleted the segment of the path to redraw this part as shown above in the image on the left. Hold down the Shift Key and click somewhere on the guide so you draw a perfect 45° line. Click in the bottom right point of the circle shape (that now looks more like a drop of water laying on its side) to close the path.
Create the shape

Add Linear Gradient Mask

Now select the Rectangle tool (M) and draw a rectangle on top of the shape as shown in the image on the right above.
Add Linear Gradient Mask
Give the rectangle a linear gradient fill, going from white to black at an angle of 0°. Now select both the drop shape and the rectangle. Go to the Transparency palette and select Make Opacity Mask from the palette's drop-down menu as shown in the image above. You should see the drop shape filled with a gradient as shown in the image below.
Redraw the Linear Gradient in the mask
Select the mask thumbnail in the Transparency palette. Now you are in the Mask mode. Select the rectangle and select the Gradient tool from the toolbox. Redraw the linear gradient so the fill of the shape goes from 100% to 0% opacity from one end to the other. Click on the left of the shape, hold down Shift key and drag towards the other end on the right of the shape. The end point where you release is where you'll have 100% transparency. Leave the mask mode by clicking on the image thumbnail in the Transparency palette.
Duplicate layer
Grab the layer in the Layers palette and drag it onto the Create New Layer icon at the bottom of the palette to duplcicate the layer.

Duplicate and change color

Duplicate and rotate shape
Select the Rotation tool from the toolbox and click somewhere on the top right of the shape to define your rotation point. Hold down the Shift key while rotating the duplicated shape 180°.
Duplicate and change color
Make the size of the shape slightly smaller (using the shape's handlers and the shift key to keep the exact proportion) and move the shape in position and give it a slightly different fill as shown above. Create a new layer and move it below the layer holding the shapes. Draw a rectangle the size of your document. Give it a suitable fill that serves as background. I used a dark background with subtle radial gradient fill. Lock the background layer (click in the square space next to the eye icon in the layers palette).

Build a 'pile' of shapes

Build a 'pile' of shapes
Repeat the previous steps (Duplicate and change color) to create a pile of shapes as shown in the image above. Group the shapes, hit command/control + g.

Group in a Layer Set and add a Radial Gradient Mask

Select the layer that holds the pile of shapes. Draw a rectangle on top and give it a radial gradient fill from white in the center to black. Select both shapes and rectangle. Just like before, go to the Transparency palette and select Make Opacity Mask from the palette's drop-down menu as shown in the image above. To edit the masking effect you click the mask thumbnail in the Transparency palette. To leave mask mode you click the image thumbnail.

Duplicate the 'pile', rotate and re-color

Create a new layer by clicking the Create New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette. Duplicate the shapes into the new layer by clicking on the layer that holds the shapes and dragging the colored square at the right while holding down the option/alt key. You should see a plus sign as shown in the image above, indicating you are duplicating the selection of objects. Rotate the shapes in the new layer by 180° and select shape per shape using the Direct Selection tool (white arrow) and change the color of each shape. To edit the mask if needed you can go into mask mode by clicking the mask thumbnail in the Transparency palette.


You play around with the layer mode and choose Lighten for example and add some text to finish it off.

Different result

Simple organic shapes in Illustrator
While this is possible to do in both applications, I still prefer Photoshop for this creation. I believe you have a bit more freedom and options in Photoshop. First of all there are more layer modes to play with and secondly you have more freedom for the masking. You can use a brush to reveal or hide certain areas for example. As for the layer modes I get the feeling the end result is a bit different as well. In Photoshop I also use Lighten, but had to set the layer to 50% transparency. In Illustrator even at 100% the effect isn't that dramatic and vivid in color. The big advantage of using Illustrator is the fact that everything is vector-based, which gives you the flexibility to scale your design at any size and still have the best quality. The choice is I believe a matter of comparing the pros and cons in combination with your personal preference.

Monster Character Series Part 4

Read the article
Free Website Builder
This post was originally published in 2007
The tips and techniques explained may be outdated.
The final monster cartoon character in the mini series; my favourite – the Green Slimey Monster! Once again, a tutorial that will hopefully be easy enough to follow by Illustrator beginners, with mostly the basic tools and shapes being used.
Illustrator Monster Character

Step 1

In Illustrator, using the Ellipse Tool (U) create a circle.
Zagora logo, typography tutorial

Step 2

Select the Circle and hit the Enter Key (return) the Move dialog box will open. Now we can move the circle horizontally or vertically and create copies as well.
First we will create the horizontal one, so just add the width of the circle in the horizontal field and click on the copy button. Repeat this process until you have 6 circles side by side.
Zagora logo, typography tutorial

Step 3

Lets create a circle below the first and the third circle. Those will be the Z and the G letters.
Zagora logo, typography tutorial

Step 4

Using the Direct Selection Tool(A), select some segments of the circles and delete them like the image below.
Zagora logo, typography tutorial

Step 5

Select all objects and change the Stroke Weight to 20pt, After that add 2 more elements above the Z and the R like the image below, and delete a segment of the last A. Tip: Use the Object>Transform>Move and Object>Transform>Reflect commands for more precision.
Zagora logo, typography tutorial

Step 6

Change the stroke colors. I used green for the Z, brown for the As, red for the G and R, and blue for the O.
Zagora logo, typography tutorial

Step 7

Select the A or the second circle and open the Move dialog box. Move it closer to the first letter, Z. Repeat that for the other letters. After that change the order of the letters so the R goes in front of the last A, but through the O. Tip: To do that you will have to create new elements in order to mask them. Use the Move command for precision.
Zagora logo, typography tutorial

Step 8

Once you have a nice spacing and all the letters are well positioned, select all objects again and go to Object>Path>Outline Stroke. This will convert the Strokes to Fill.
Zagora logo, typography tutorial

Step 9

Select the G and the R and apply a linear gradient. Use Orange to Red for the colors.
Zagora logo, typography tutorial

Step 10

Duplicate the element above the Z and change its color to black. Go to Effects>Blur>Gaussian Blur and use like 3.5pt. After that place it beneath the Z and the R like the image below.
Zagora logo, typography tutorial


After we had an idea of what we were looking for, the design process became pretty straight forward. That means that once you know what you have to do the tool is just part of the process and you will find many ways to achieve the same result.
Zagora logo, typography tutorial
Launch Adobe Illustrator, and draw a Rounded Rectangle. Use the cursor keys before deselecting to give large rounded corners.
Use the Pen Tool to draw a tentacle, starting from the lower body and flowing outwards, avoid any sharp angles otherwise there will be kinks in the tentacles.
Add a really thick stroke to this path, and select the Round Cap option to give rounded eges.
Convert this stroke into a shape by selecting the object and going to Obejct > Expand. De-check the Fill box leaving just the Stroke to be expanded.
Change the black fill to a black outline to match the body for the time being.
Back with the pen tool, draw three more tentacles in differing directions, all originating from roughly the same area of the body.
Expand these strokes and change the outline to match the body. Select the inner two tentacles and copy them before the next step.
Select all five shapes and combine them with the Add To Shape Area Pathfinder Tool, click on the Expand button to reset the shape.
Paste back the tentacles we copied previously by pressing CTRL + F. This will allow us to keep some of the outlines to distinguish the tentacles from the body.
Use the Direct Selection Tool (White Arrow) to delete the lower most points on the tentacles, then move the other points into position further up the body as shown.
Draw a couple of eyes with black ovals from the Circle Tool.
Use the Rounded Rectangle Tool to draw a huge, wide open mouth. Use CTRL + [ to alter the stack and position the mouth behind the tentacles.
Back with the Rounded Rectangle tool draw in two white front teeth.

Final Product What You'll Be Creating

A few times a each month we revisit some of our reader’s favorite posts from throughout the history of Vectortuts+. This tutorial by Jonathan was first published on February 24th 2009.

This tutorial is perfect for the advanced beginner who wants to take her skills to the next level. We’ll explore how to create 3D text and use depth-of-field to enhance a design.

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Step 1

Start by typing each letter separate so you can adjust the angle and 3D qualities of each. I’m using a font called Futura Bold. I’d recommend using a font that is not thin and delicate. The more weight the font has the better.
Also, use a grey or light color so when you proceed to the next step you’ll be able to see what your 3D text looks like.

Step 2

Go to Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel… Enter variables where I’ve highlighted below to achieve the look indicated.

Step 3

Even after you apply 3D effects that you would like your letter to have you can also continue to rotate the letter to whatever angle you like, as I’ve done below. Just use the Selection Tool (V) to rotate the letter.
Click on a color and the shading will automatically be applied to the different faces of the letter.

Step 4

Use the same technique on the other letters. Use the Swatches Palette to quickly pick a range of vibrant colors and apply them to each letter.

Step 5

Create a depth-of-field (the appearance of objects being closer and farther away) by going to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur… Enter the variable below and click OK.
Note: Make sure your letter will not need to be scaled larger or smaller after you apply the blur, as blur effects do not scale regardless of any preferences you have designated in Adobe Illustrator.

Step 6

To create an even wider focal range, you can give different letters a unique blur amount.
Observe how the angle, scale, blur and color all factor into how the entire word is perceived. Each letter has a random quality about it. The scale is varied to suggest distance. Again, the blur reinforces the depth and the colors are all bright and not repeated next to each other.

Step 7

Type the rest of the phrase. The font I’m using is Bickham Script. As you can see, the font is very different from the font that the word "Playful" is written in. This creates a nice range and contrast between the two. Do the same for your layout.

Step 8

Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool to draw a rectangle as shown below.
Note: You can adjust the curvature of the corners by holding the up or down arrow while you draw the shape.

Step 9

Fill the rectangle with a 3-point gradient. The right-most green color helps create a slightly darker green that will frame the rectangle even more.

Step 10

Move the text over the background. In order to apply a gradient to the text you will first need to turn it into outlines. Go to Type > Create Outlines. Now, select the text and give it a subtle grey to white gradient.

Step 11

To make the text look even more 3D add an Inner Glow by going to Effect > Stylize > Inner Glow… Select Screen, in the Mode drop down. Enter about 75 for Opacity and set the blur to your liking.

Step 12

Now that the letter looks somewhat rounded we’ll take it a step further and add a drop shadow. Go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow… Set the Mode to Multiply (so the shadow blends nicely with the background). Set your Opacity to about 20 and give it a blur of your choosing.

Step 13

This is what your design should look like right now.

Step 14

We’ll give certain faces of each letter an enhanced look by giving them gradients. First, make a copy of the letter. Select the copy and go to Object > Expand Appearance. Now go to Object > Ungroup. Continue to Ungroup the object until you can select the face of the object.

Step 15

Select the face of the letter and give it a moderate red to dark-red gradient.

Step 16

You can now delete the leftover parts of the letter that you did not apply a gradient to. Place the face of the letter over the letter with the 3D effects applied to it.

Step 17

Use this same technique to create depth on any other letters that need it. For instances where the letters are blurred simply apply the same blur to the face of that letter. To see how much blur a letter has double-click on that effect in the Appearance Palette.

Step 18

Next we’ll give the background a random circle pattern. Draw a circle using the Ellipse Tool (L). For the purposes of this tutorial I’ve used a black circle but your circle should be white, or whatever color you want your pattern to be. Drag the circle into the Brushes Palette. The dialog in the next step will open…

Step 19

Select New Scatter Brush and click OK…

Step 20

Select Random for Size, Spacing and Scatter. Next, drag the small triangles to both sides of the slider for all three options. This will ensure the circle pattern is varied and not too repetitive. Click OK.

Step 21

In the Brushes Palette select the circle brush you just created. Select the Paintbrush Tool (B) and draw an arbitrary line. Your line will be replaced by a circle pattern similar to the one below. If your circles are not as random as you like, just double-click on the circle in the Brushes Palette to change the parameters.

Step 22

Place the circles on their own layer behind the letters. Feel free to draw more lines or copy and paste the other circle pattern to build a mass of circles.

Step 23

Using the Ellipse Tool draw a circle and give it a Radial fill with a 3-point gradient. Using 3-points will allow you to give the circle an extra highlight that will add to its realism. Copy and paste this shape a few other times throughout the layout.

Step 24

You can create other brushes using different shapes like squares, triangles and outlined versions of each shape to keep things interesting.

Step 25

Using the Pencil Tool (N) draw some erratic shapes that will function as moss or general greenery on the letters.
When you’re drawing with the Pencil Tool it’s sometimes difficult to close the shape. The easiest way to close a shape is to hold down the Option key when you are nearing the starting point of the shape. This will automatically close the shape.

Step 26

Add other assorted shapes and give them a green to dark-green gradient.

Step 27

To make vines I’ve simply used one of the alternate characters that was included with the font Bickham Script. If your font does not have alternate characters you can try using parts of other letters, like an S for example. Otherwise you will need to draw some curly shapes the old fashioned way… using a Wacom Tablet and the Pen Tool.

Step 28

Create a leaf shape in much the same manner that you did for the moss shapes. You’ll get better at drawing shapes the more you practice.

Step 29

To amplify the look of the leaf give it an Inner Glow by going to Effect > Stylize > Inner Glow…

Step 30

This is what your layout should look like right now.

Step 31

We’ll give the background a bit of motion by using the Pen Tool (P) to draw a shape similar to the one below.

Step 32

Duplicate the shape a couple times and adjust the Opacity to lessen the appearance of the shape. Give some of the shapes a tenuous blur to again create the illusion of some of the swooshes being farther away.

Step 33

Using the Rectangle Tool, draw a rectangle and give it a 4-point gradient with white being on both ends.

Step 34

Place the gradient over the background and give it a blur. In the Transparency Palette set the shape to Multiply, so it blends well with the background. Feel free to also adjust the Opacity if need be.

Final Image

Here is the final image. You’ve just learned how to create a vector 3D letter design. Cheers!